Claim your CPD for attending the BioHPP Implant course

Thank you for attending the BioHPP Implant course. Please let us know how the course met your expectations and we'll send your CPD certificate to you.

Here is a reminder of the outcomes for the course…


  • To provide participants with general knowledge and understanding of BioHPP framework construction and capabilities, as well as the scope of the visio.lign system 


  • To add to the success of your laboratory through providing practical knowledge on the application of BioHPP and the visio.lign system’s  especially in large cases. This in turn will help increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your working practice.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the course participants should:

  • Have a good understanding of the technical procedures and protocols used in construction of BioHPP frameworks and veneering with the Visio.lign system.
  • Have a good understanding  of how BioHPP/Visio.lign can be used as restorative materials.