Category: bredent courses

  • bredent group days in Goa

    About 400 international participants are expected to attend the congress, which is placed under the motto “Leading in immediate restorations powered by physiological prosthetics”. The topic focus will be on SKYonics — implantology meets bionics, as well as on implant solutions for natural patient treatment, from immediate restorations of single tooth gaps or increasingly edentulous jaws to physiological imptant prosthetics.

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  • Leading Essex-based dental surgery invites dentists to oral surgery evening

    Sanjay Chopra and Philip Hayter from Highland View Dental Surgery will be presenting as part of an informal evening on Tuesday 14 November in Essex. The evening is aimed at dentists looking to improve their abilities in oral surgery assessment and treatment and will be an opportunity to pick up tips and tricks. Sanjay and …

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  • Join us in Essex for an introduction to Advanced Implant Dentistry

    Sanjay Chopra and Philip Hayter from Highland View Dental Surgery will be presenting as part of an informal evening on Tuesday 14 November in Essex.

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  • Talking bionics in Scotland…

    We’ve teamed up with Leca Dental to host a free study club for dentists in Scotland. The study club is the ideal opportunity for dentists to learn more about BioHPP®; the most widely used high performance polymer in dentistry. The event will take place on: Date: Thursday 8 June 2017 Time: 6.30pm – 8.30pm. Two hours …

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  • Are you looking for a study club for technicians?

    We’re looking to start a study club for dental technicians and we need your help to make sure we have the best speakers, covering the most useful topics in the most convenient venues. We want your ideas on things like… What topics should the study clubs cover? Which speakers do you want to hear from? …

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  • bredent brings BioHPP to Bristol…

    In 2016, our popular BioHPP Implant course was delivered by Steve Taylor at a new venue in the West Country. The over-subscribed hands-on course was held at CBC Dental Laboratory in response to demand from dental technicians in the south west. Steve Taylor delivers the practical BioHPP for bredent UK three times a year at …

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